2021 Check In
Posted by Diana & James Bspoken on
Well here we are...a new year. I don't think it's where we expected to be at this point, but we have faith that once all this craziness shakes out we will be on the better side of
We have some great news.........we're starting a newletter! We'll be offering updates, any scheduled show dates (once covid restrictions allow), new locations where you can purchase our jewelry, announcements for new jewelry lines, sales exclusively for newsletter subscribers and jewelry class updates.
Social media is awesome to keep you updated, but the new algorithms make it difficult at times to get out our news to all those that follow us. We have so many exciting things going on this year and we don't want you to miss out!
If you haven't signed up yet please do so soon so you won't miss out on our 1st newsletter! It will be heading into inboxes on Monday, January 18th!
You can sign up for the newsletter by scrolling to the bottom of our front page.
Have an awesome day,